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Lillie's Q "Q" Rub

No. 78: This salt-based rub, with a dash of black pepper and garlic is as versatile as it gets.

Why No. 78? The Q in our name isn't just for barbeque. It's for Charlie's dad Quito McKenna. And while we officially opened our doors in Chicago in 2010, you could say it really all started in 1978, when Quito was stationed in California with the Air Force. Having grown up on Lillie's Southern-style barbeque, Quito was exposed to Santa-Maria style tri tips. He was quickly hooked and became eager to infuse some West-coast flavor into the traditionally Southern barbeque recipes he had always loved. Which gave birth to this very dry rub, named in honor of the man who first brought it home.

Great on: Beef, Pork, Chicken and Turkey

  • 13.9 oz (394 g)
  • Gluten-Free
  • Allergen-Free
Lillie's Q "Q" Rub
Type: Rub

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